Friday, 30 March 2018

Review: The Pharmacist's Wife by Vanessa Tait

This book was nothing like I was expecting, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless.

Rebecca is 28 and newly married to a chemist who has just opened a new pharmacy in Victorian England and is experimenting with creating new drugs. One thing leads to another and he ends up creating heroin, which he then begins 'treating' her 'female hysteria' with. Through drug-addled days and nights, Rebecca discovers that her husband is not the Victorian gentleman that everyone thinks him to be, and so she sets out to overcome her heroin addiction and bring him down once and for all.

I really enjoyed Rebecca's character development. As a young woman she fell in love with a childhood friend, who moved to Egypt for his work and never came back, and so she married Alexander and became the timid Victorian wife. However, as she discovers her husband's secret life, she comes back into her own and the story ends with her finally becoming an independent woman.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and would definitely recommend it.

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