Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Review: You Only Live Once by Jess Vallance

I wasn't expecting to like this book as much as I did, but I started and finished it in one sitting. And I really enjoyed it. To be honest, I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't have read this book when I was sixteen, because I'm exactly like Gracie is, studying-wise, and I could have really done with this book then. That being said, I'm twenty-two, and this book still really resonated with me.

Gracie has worked her butt off her whole life, and during the summer following her GCSE's, she mistakenly self-diagnoses herself with a fatal illness. One trip to A and E later, and Gracie realises that she isn't dying, but she is missing out on life, so she proceeds to try and have what she thinks will be the best summer ever. But of course, things don't quite go to plan.

This is a really light-hearted, easy-reading book, and I would highly recommend it.

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