Sunday 15 April 2018

I Miss Blogging

It's been such a long time since I've sat down and actually planned out something to write about, other than a book review. Don't get me wrong, books are one of my great loves and I will continue to write reviews on them, but I miss writing about other things.

It's my fault, really. I've let life get in the way. Since finishing university almost a year ago (can I still use this excuse?!), I've jumped straight into my job, which I love, and I've been trying to figure my life out ever since. But honestly, I don't want my entire life planned out at twenty-two years old. I'm perfectly happy just going with the flow. I say that so much, maybe I should get it tattooed somewhere on my body. Clearly 'this too shall pass' was not the right choice. (Nope, it definitely was. No idea what I'm talking about? See my post on getting my tattoo here!)

So, note to self: make your blog more of a priority in your life. Hopefully you'll see some more varied stuff from me soon.

No promises, though.

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